1 x 4-day intensive workshop per semester
Enrolment not permitted
INTR3004 has been successfully completed
Course context
Associated majors: International Relations; Public Policy; Political Studies; Australian Studies

Bachelor of Government and Public Management
Topic description
Security and prosperity are priorities for all governments. This topic examines how Australian governments have endeavoured to create and implement policies to deliver on these two priorities through their international policies. In doing so it analyses Australia's role in war and peace, its Anglo history and Asia Pacific geography, its alliances, the re-emergence of China, cyber security and international concern. In broad outline it centres on the foreign policies of Australian governments and oppositions since World War 2, emphasising the relationship between domestic and international factors in policy formation.

Australian Foreign Policy also incorporates the involvement of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Defence officials, former foreign policy decision makers and the Careers Employer Liaison Centre in two hypothetical seminars.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:
  • provide students with an understanding of foreign policy analysis;
  • encourage students to analyse systematically the material and ideational factors in Australian Foreign Policy;
  • consider current issues in Australian Foreign Policy in terms of their nature, causes, and consequences;
  • develop student capacity to follow, analyse, and interpret academic writing;
  • provide students with opportunities to develop professional skills in comprehension, analysis, oral and written communication, time management, and team work.
Expected learning outcomes
Students successfully completing this topic will be able to:
  • understand in broad outline the history of and intersections between Australian foreign, defence and trade policies since Federation
  • show considerable appreciation of the intricacies of diplomatic and intelligence practices of recent Australian governments
  • understand recent scholarly writing on Australian foreign policy, and possess the skills to participate in the associated debates
  • demonstrate a high level of competence in the skills of comprehension, oral presentation, and scholarly writing
  • demonstrate a scholarly approach to research materials, the ability to engage in thoughtful analysis, and the ability to synthesize a range of materials and ideas into a coherent argument.


In addition to foreign policy lectures and tutorials, two international relations simulations will be conducted. In these sessions we work with policy experts including DFAT officers and the Careers and Employer Liaison Centre (CELC). Our purpose is to provide you with situations in which you can apply your international relations knowledge. Prior to the simulations, we will conduct a session on the skills needed to perform successfully in the simulation game: namely skills in analysis, communication, team work and conflict resolution. This problem based learning scenario will then allow you the opportunity to deploy and practice these skills.