1 x 2-hour seminar weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 INTR1006 - International Relations: An Introduction
2 INST1001 - Introduction to International Studies 1a: Regions in Global Contexts
2a 1 unit(s) of INST1002 - Introduction to International Studies 1b: Understanding the International
Must Satisfy: ((1) or ((2 or 2a)))
Assumed knowledge
  • Main International Relations concepts: the state, power, interests, international organisations and conflict and cooperation in the international system
  • Essay writing skills
  • Use of library and basic online research skills
Topic description
Wars are one type of threat that nations face. However, globalization and democracies' increasing emphasis on people's security as opposed to the security of states have made us aware of a wide range of non-military threats to states and to the lives and well being of individuals and communities. This has shifted the focus and content of traditional state and military-centred security studies and practice. Traditional security studies were concerned with states waging war against each other, where as new security concepts are grounded more in state capacity to protect their people, the realization of individual and collective rights and the satisfaction of human basic needs. This topic examines the so called ""New Security Agenda"", featuring themes such as transnational organize crimes and illicit trades (arms, drugs, people), migration, climate change, poverty, food security, health, energy and others. For each issue, the topic will identify the root and proximate causes of the ""problem"", how people and the environment are affected, potential intersections with domestic and international conflict and types of responses by national and international governance bodies.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:
  • introduce students to concepts on non traditional security issues
  • review cases of non traditional threats to the security of individuals
  • identify the way in which non traditional threats to human security relate to violent threats and wars
Expected learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
  • trace the multiple connections between global security problems, discern how they are ""securitized"", and identify the advantages or disadvantages of such securitization
  • reflect on the conceptual coherence of international policy responses
  • analytically understand causality chains and distinguish between dependent and independent variables in the Social Sciences
  • further development of writing skills (essays) and oral skills (presentations)