1 x 3-hour practical weekly
1 of INDO2202, INDO1012, INDO2102, ASST2105, ASST1202
Enrolment not permitted
1 of ASST2107, ASST3103, INDO2211, INDO3101 has been successfully completed
Assignment(s), Oral
Topic description

This topic develops and extends the four core language-learning skills through two means: an exploration of online Indonesia and the weekly completion of Warung Sinema exercises. The weekly class time is devoted to a short topical reading connected to a current online source, a discussion of that, and a student presentation. Online material explored presents students with a picture of Indonesia that reflects its rich political, religious and social diversity. An assessed weekly written 'discussion' using FLO challenges students to communicate with each other on topics of their own choosing in written Indonesian.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Develop more advanced language skills in the core areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking
  • Integrate opportunities to learn about Indonesia within the study of the Indonesian language
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of contemporary Indonesian online culture and an enhanced awareness of the breadth of diversity in Indonesian cultural, religious and political life
  2. Verbally express your own opinions and attitudes on issues explored in the topic
  3. Make relevant and appropriate responses to spoken input
  4. Verbally express your personal viewpoints and discuss those of others
  5. Make a coherent oral presentation without relying on a written text
  6. Extract both gist and salient detail from a text through contextual analysis and prior knowledge
  7. Identify a range of registers, including highly colloquial Indonesian, in written form
  8. Use common Indonesian sentence patterns and language functions accurately
  9. Build confidence in making your own correction of grammatical and other errors that are drawn to your attention
  10. Extract both gist and salient detail and from audio and audio-visual materials, using contextual analysis and prior knowledge
  11. Comprehend the gist and significant detail of the film clips studied with particular attention to the specific colloquial and idiomatic language features that are targeted during the semester