1 x 1-hour on-line lecture fortnightly
4 x 2-hour on-line tutorials per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 1 of HLTH2101, HLTH2003
2 Admission into BDDE-Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education
2a Admission into BHN-Bachelor of Human Nutrition
2b Admission into BLITTHL-Bachelor of Letters (Health)
2c Admission into BLITTHLG-Bachelor of Letters (Health) (Graduate Entry)
2d Admission into BEXS-Bachelor of Exercise Science
2e Admission into BEXSMCEXP-Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
2f Admission into BEDMSSBHS-B Education (Middle & Secondary Schooling), B Health Sciences
2g Admission into BHA-Bachelor of Healthy Ageing
2h Admission into BPARA-Bachelor of Paramedic Science
2i Admission into BPARANT-Bachelor of Paramedic Science
Must Satisfy: ((1) or ((2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e or 2f or 2g or 2h or 2i)))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of HLTH3001, PARA3004 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge of social or psychological theory and qualitative research design.
Assignments; On-line Quizzes.
Topic description

The topic is divided into two main components. First, the topic provides an introduction to quantitative methods commonly used in social health research with a focus on descriptive design eg., observational studies and the logic of quantitative methods in support of mixed methods. The second component provides an introduction to hypothesis testing, descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Together the components provide the basis for understanding evidence-based medicine and health care. The focus is on student capacity to provide critical and theoretical explanations for research findings, drawing on both sociological and psychological theories of health and illness with specific relevance to the social determinants of health and to appreciate the issues of research with vulnerable groups and sensitive issues.

Educational aims

  • Students will understand basic issues in the initiation, development and design of social health research studies
  • Students will be introduced to data collection methods, analysis and interpretation. This will include basic knowledge and skills to perform simple observational research studies
  • Students will have a basic understanding of inferential statistical methods and analyses of including, t-tests, ANOVAs, correlation, simple regression, and non-parametric tests
  • Students will understand simple epidemiological study design and analysis methods
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of and application of observational/descriptive research design through conduct of a health related survey
  2. Have basic skills in hypothesis testing and the application of descriptive and inferential statistics, using SPSS
  3. Have a critical understanding of the key features of different study designs including experimental, quasi experimental and observational designs
  4. Assess the ethical rigour of a research proposal