Internal students:

12 x 50 Min Lectures per semester

11 x 2 Hour Tutorials per semester

1 x 2 Hour Computer Lab once only

External students:

12 x 50 Min On-line Lectures per semester

12 x 50 Min On-line Tutorials per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
2h Admission into BPARAMREP-Bachelor of Paramedicine
2i Admission into BHSVS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science)
2j Admission into BHSVSMO-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science), Master of Optometry
2k Admission into BPH-Bachelor of Public Health
2l Admission into BNE-Bachelor of Nutrition and Exercise
2m Admission into ADHSFP-Associate Degree in Health Sciences - City Campus
2n Admission into BHSFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences - City Campus
2o Admission into BHSDHFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Digital Health) - City Campus
2p Admission into BHSHMFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Management) - City Campus
2q Admission into BHSPSFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology) - City Campus
2r Admission into BHSTSFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Therapy Studies) - City Campus
2s Admission into BSWFP-Bachelor of Social Work - City Campus
2t Admission into BMS-Bachelor of Medical Science
2u Admission into BMSA-Bachelor of Medical Science - Accelerated
2v Admission into BMSH-Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
1 Admission into BHS-Bachelor of Health Sciences
1a Admission into BBSC-Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
1b Admission into BND-Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics
1c Admission into BEDSBHS-Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Health Sciences
1d Admission into BEDMSSBHS-B Education (Middle & Secondary Schooling), B Health Sciences
1e Admission into BPSY-Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
1f Admission into BHSMOT-Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy
1g Admission into BHSMPT-Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy
1h Admission into BPARA-Bachelor of Paramedic Science
1i Admission into BCLSMD-Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine
1j Admission into BPS-Bachelor of Psychological Science
1k Admission into BHN-Bachelor of Human Nutrition
1l Admission into BEXS-Bachelor of Exercise Science
1m Admission into BEXSMCEXP-Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
1n Admission into BLITTHL-Bachelor of Letters (Health)
1o Admission into BLITTHLG-Bachelor of Letters (Health) (Graduate Entry)
1p Admission into BHSAG-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Ageing)
1q Admission into BHSDH-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Digital Health)
1r Admission into BHSHM-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Management)
1s Admission into BHSHP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Promotion)
1t Admission into BHSIN-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Innovation)
1u Admission into BHSPN-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Physiology and Neuroscience)
1v Admission into BHSPS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology)
1w Admission into BHSTS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Therapy Studies)
1x Admission into BSW-Bachelor of Social Work
2 Admission into BSWH-Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
2a Admission into BPARANT-Bachelor of Paramedic Science
2b Admission into BEDSEC-Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
2c Admission into BPARAREP-Bachelor of Paramedic Science
2d Admission into ADHS-Associate Degree in Health Sciences
2e Admission into DIPHS-Diploma in Health Sciences
2f Admission into BPARAM-Bachelor of Paramedicine
2g Admission into BPARAMNT-Bachelor of Paramedicine
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p or 1q or 1r or 1s or 1t or 1u or 1v or 1w or 1x)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e or 2f or 2g or 2h or 2i or 2j or 2k or 2l or 2m or 2n or 2o or 2p or 2q or 2r or 2s or 2t or 2u or 2v)))
Enrolment not permitted
HLTH2003 has been successfully completed
Course context
Students enrolled in other undergraduate awards may be permitted to undertake this topic but only with the permission of the course coordinator, BHlthSc.
Tutorial participation; Quizzes; Group project; Written assignments
Topic description
The topic provides an introduction to critical social analysis of descriptive health statistics. Drawing on sociological theories of power, the topic provides an analytical framework for understanding patterns and risks of illness and disease in Australia. It provides an awareness of how certain groups in society are vulnerable in relation to health status. The topic is a cornerstone for students' understanding of the need for health care to be non-discriminatory and culturally safe. The topic combines analysis of qualitative and quantitative sources, demonstrating the importance of pairing evaluation of large-scale health data with simultaneous evaluation of how personal, social, political and institutional contexts shape health statistics. This equips students with the ability to comprehend the complexities of contemporary health issues. The topic prepares students for professional practice in health related fields by providing practical, applied examples of how power relations can impact on health. The topic focuses on the ways in which health care models and health care professionals are themselves embedded within power relations and therefore, fosters skills in critically reflective and transformative practice.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to;

  • To develop and apply knowledge of key sociological concepts and theories relating to health in order to gain critical understanding of how cultural, personal, social, and institutional factors impact on health

  • To demonstrate the importance of cultural safety and non-discriminatory practices and policies in health care

  • To promote critical evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative data relating to health issues and experiences, in order to ensure high quality evidence-based practice

  • To develop skills in communication, time management and organisation for professional and interprofessional practice.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will have had the opportunity to undertake both weekly discussions and exercises as well a major assignment which will enhance their skills in:

  • Critical social analysis of statistics on health in Australia through the application of sociological theories and concepts

  • A questioning and ‘transformative’ approach to health issues

  • Sourcing and presenting high quality statistical data on a particular health issue in Australia

  • Identifying population patterns and inequalities evident in health statistics, especially in relation to vulnerable groups

  • Understanding of the relationship between individuals and society, and the impact of power relations on health

  • Understanding of the implications of inequalities and diversity for health care and professional practice, especially in relation to cultural safety and non-discriminatory practice

  • Communication and justification of the value of critical social analysis of health to a practice-based audience

  • Management of workload and resources to complete tasks within required timeframes

  • Consistent critical engagement with topic materials

  • Active engagement with peers and teaching staff in the topic