13 x 3-hour workshops per semester
13 x 1-hour on-line lectures per semester
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BSHPA-Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity
1a Admission into BLITTSPC-Bachelor of Letters (Sports Performance Coaching)
1b Admission into BSAR-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation
1c Admission into BSARFP-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation - City Campus
2 1 of HLPE1550, HLPE1552, HLPE1201
3 ^ 1 of HLPE1552, HLPE1550, HLPE1201
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c) and 2) or (3))
Assignment(s), Test(s), Practical work
Topic description
This topic will provide students with the knowledge and expertise to undertake thorough physiological testing of athletes, with a primary focus on field based tests. The practical skills associated with field testing will be based upon assessing strength, power, hypertrophy and muscular endurance along with aerobic and anaerobic capacity and anthropometrics. The results from the testing will be used for exercise prescription. Students will also undertake a movement analysis of a chosen sport.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  1. Explore performance testing from a theoretical and practical perspective

  2. Examine the importance of performance/injury assessments in sport

  3. Define how testing batteries can inform training and talent identification practices

  4. Explore a variety of field tests to measure and monitor athletic performance

  5. Competently design and conduct sports-specific testing batteries.

  6. Examine statistical analysis and reporting procedures to competently communicate testing results to high performance team members.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to able to:

  1. Explain the need to perform physiological assessments of athleticism

  2. Implement a variety of field tests to measure athleticism or injury susceptibility

  3. Competently perform best practice performance assessment and analysis practices

  4. Analyses and Interpret testing data to determine meaningful changes in performance

  5. Design and conduct sports-specific testing batteries

  6. Understand how physiological testing fits into the annual training plan

  7. Design individual or team-based testing reports

  8. Communicate test results to inform training and talent identification practices.