4 x 1-hour lectures per semester
1 x 2-hour practical weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BSHPA-Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity
1a Admission into BLITTSPC-Bachelor of Letters (Sports Performance Coaching)
1b Admission into BBUSSM-Bachelor of Business (Sports Management)
1c Admission into BBUSAL-Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership)
1d Admission into BSAR-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation
1e Admission into BSARFP-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation - City Campus
1f Admission into BBUSSMFP-Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) - City Campus
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f))
Enrolment not permitted
HLPE1201 has been successfully completed
Assignment(s), Tutorial presentation, Practical work
Topic description
This topic will introduce students to the field of sport and physical activity study. It will thereby establish the foundations for future sport studies learning in the Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity Degree. The topic will introduce students to broad understandings of the philosophical, bio-physical, sociological, psychological, sport for development and sports pedagogical concepts underlying current practice in sport coaching, management and research.
Educational aims
This topic aims to demonstrate:

  • comprehension and application of broad understandings of the philosophical, bio-physical, sociological, psychological, sport for development and sports pedagogical concepts underlying current practice in sport coaching, management and research

  • analysis of issues related to current practice in sport coaching, management, development and research

  • the basic competencies for coaching children
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • critically review literature within the sport and physical activity field of study

  • examine a topic of interest selected from the fields of sport philosophy, sport science, sociology of sport, sport for development and sports pedagogy

  • design and enact a sport coaching practical session for a targeted group