1 x 5-hour independent study weekly
1 x 6-hour project work weekly
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
^ HLED9113A - Research Project in Clinical Education (4.5/9 units)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of HLED9009, HLED9113 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Demonstrated knowledge and skills in conceptualising, designing and planning a clinical education research project. Students will be expected to have the capacity to: plan and design a clinical education research study in an area relevant to clinical education; formulate an operational research question; search, critically appraise and synthesise the empirical and theoretical literature; identify and critique the conceptual/theoretical framework, study design and methods for the research topic under consideration; develop a logical plan for the implementation and management of a research project; identify and address ethical issues relevant to the topic under consideration; and engage in scholarly reporting of research consistent with academic standards.
Course context

This topic is taught and assessed as a continuum. Students must enrol and complete the topic components in two consecutive semesters.

Assignments; Project
Topic description

This topic allows students to independently implement and report on the outcomes of a clinical education research project as planned in HLED9113A Research Project in Clinical Education 2.

Educational aims

This topic aims to provide students with the opportunity to independently implement a clinical education research project (as developed in HLED9113A) and engage in scholarly reporting, within a supported and supervised environment. This topic will enable students to consolidate their research skills and capacity, undertake data collection and analysis activities for research purposes, critique and extend current understandings of the topic under consideration, discern practical and theoretical implications of research, engage in scholarly reporting, and develop as an autonomous researcher.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Independently implement research in clinical education (as planned in HLED9113A)
  2. Autonomously use data collection and analysis methods
  3. Engage in indepth data interpretation, rather than a predominantly descriptive approach
  4. Critique or extend current understandings relevant to the research topic under consideration
  5. Discern practical and theoretical implications of research findings
  6. Reflect on their learning, capacity and experiences as a clinical education researcher
  7. Engage in scholarly reporting of research in the form of a paper suitable for publication in a peer reviewed journal