1 x 8-hour independent study weekly
1 x 1-hour on-line exercises weekly
1 x 2-hour on-line tutorial weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 ^ HLED9101 - Symbiotic Clinical Education for the Health Professions 1
1a HLED9001 - Symbiotic Clinical Education 1
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a))
Enrolment not permitted
HLED9006 has been successfully completed
Topic description
This topic focuses on the planning, design and use of a range of educational strategies for teaching advanced clinical skills, with a strong focus on the use of technologies and standardised patients. It provides a theoretical and practical framework forstudents to plan, design and teach clinical skills to trainees in their own clinical setting, and in simulated settings such as a dedicated clinical skills learning unit, using a range of technologies including part task trainers, low fidelity manikins and standardised patients.

Students will be introduced to different models and strategies for clinical skills teaching. They will reflect on their current clinical skills teaching and engage in discussion about how to make this teaching safer and more effective. Teaching includes simulated settings with manikins and part-task trainers, teaching with standardised patients (including training them) and teaching with hybrid simulation (standardised patient and part task trainer combined). Students apply these concepts and strategies in assessment tasks focussing on their own clinical contexts.
Educational aims
This topic provides in depth knowledge and skills in the use of a range of methods to teach clinical skills and to teach with standardised patients. In particular this topic will provide opportunities for students to:

  • Explore current literature regarding clinical skills teaching using standardised patients, part task trainers and low fidelity manikins, including hybrid simulation.

  • Practise a wide range of teaching techniques and understand how to maximise the learning of clinical skills

  • Develop sessions to teach clinical skills using a range of techniques including standardised patients, part task trainers and hybrid simulation.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students should be able to:

  1. Outline principles and models of clinical skills education

  2. Design clinical skills learning opportunities with due consideration of patient safety and ethics

  3. Demonstrate improved access, knowledge and use of clinical skills teaching resources and facilities

  4. Teach and assess specific clinical skill competencies in practice and in simulated settings

  5. Design and evaluate a teaching session with a standardised patient

  6. Design and evaluate a teaching session using a manikin or part task trainer

  7. Design and evaluate a teaching session with hybrid simulation (standardised patient combined with a part task trainer).