This topic focuses on the major elements of curriculum design and development and their interrelationships ie, intent, context, content, teaching and learning, assessment and evaluation. It provides a theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding the symbiotic nature of clinical education. There is a particular focus on the relationship between curriculum outcomes, context and content and, in turn, the relationship between content, teaching and learning and assessment. The importance of ongoing monitoring and evaluation in the curriculum design and development process is considered. Students examine their own roles and responsibilities in curriculum design and development and analyse how they can participate in curriculum decision-making and change. Students apply these concepts and theoretical frameworks in a project focusing on their own clinical context and present their findings to others enrolled in the topic.
The aim of this topic is to provide you with knowledge and skills to analyse, review, organise and participate in decision-making in relation to curricula in clinical education. You will develop a proposal for curriculum change in your workplace, through research and consultation.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.