1 x 4-hour independent study weekly
1 x 3-hour on-line exercises weekly
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 ^ HLED9101 - Symbiotic Clinical Education for the Health Professions  1
1a HLED9001 - Symbiotic Clinical Education 1
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a))
Enrolment not permitted
HLED9002 has been successfully completed
Assignments; Tutorial participation
Topic description

This topic builds on Symbiotic Clinical Education in the Health Professions 1 (HLED9101). It focuses on the axes between clinicians and patients, and health services and educational institutions. It enables experienced health professionals to transfer their clinical skills to the role of clinical educator. Students will study clinical reasoning and assess different approaches to helping health professional students learn the skill of making sound clinical decisions. The benefits and challenges of using patients as teachers, and in providing authentic and experiential learning experiences for students will be studied. Students will learn how to apply their clinical skills in judgement and communication to assessment of students and giving constructive feedback.

Students will consider ways of applying their clinical diagnostic skills to difficult learner-teacher relationships. Students will discuss their role as educators in assisting their students to resolve problems and where this overlaps and differs from the clinicians' role in patient management.

Students will develop skills in assessing learning needs, establishing positive, inclusive learning environments and planning learning symbiotically with health services and educational institutions.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Clarify the similarities and differences between being a clinician and a clinical educator
  • Enable health professionals to transfer their clinical skills to the role of clinical educator
  • Explore the clinician-patient axis of the symbiotic model
  • Explore the health service - educational institution axis of the symbiotic model
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of key theories and frameworks underpinning the practice of teaching clinical skills and student feedback
  2. Critically analyse the implementation of teaching clinical skills in specific health care contexts
  3. Critically analyse student evaluation and feedback for a clinical skills teaching task in specific healthcare contexts
  4. Apply knowledge of the principles of achieving symbiotic relationship between patients, learners and clinicians
  5. Critically reflect on their own practice as a professional and educator