The objective of this topic is to examine the dynamics of economic and socio-economic activity at the global level and the impact on people and places (especially cities and regions) within Pacific Asian countries. The topic emphasises the connection between the global and the local in the development of cities and regions; theories about the causes and consequences of these processes; and policies designed to minimise the problems associated with multi-polar and regionally uneven development, and the rapid growth of large cities. The topic ranges across the whole of Pacific Asia, but Southeast Asia (especially Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) is a particular focus of case study material. Topic material is accessible on FLO for flexible learning.
This topic aims to enable a student to understand the social and economic dimensions of globalisation, and its impact on people and cities within Pacific Asian countries. In particular, the topic aims to provide an understanding of the emerging megacities (and megaurban regions) of Pacific Asia.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.