1 x 3-hour tutorial weekly
1 x 3-hour laboratory weekly
1 x 50-hour clinical placement per semester
1 x 1-hour oral viva per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
^ EXSC9003A - Exercise Management in Special Populations (Practicum A) (4.5/9units)
Course context

This topic is taught and assessed as a continuum.

Examination(s), Placement (Clinical), Tutorial Presentation(s)
Topic description

This topic will provide background knowledge of the pathophysiology and medical management of a variety of cancer and mental health conditions, enabling effective exercise physiology practice in interdisciplinary health scenarios. The topic will comprise an intensive pre-clinical period where students will be provided with information on the important disease processes, progression, and management options in cancer and mental health conditions that may influence exercise physiology practice. Students will be required to understand common pharmacological and pathophysiological influences on exercise responses to allow effective exercise program design; identification of potential contraindications to exercise and adverse responses to exercises. Using case study discussions in tutorials, students will be required to research, explore and report the evidence for both resistance and endurance exercise in the management of different cancer and mental health conditions. Students will complete a clinical placement in one area of practice enabling application of skills and knowledge learnt during the pre-clinical period and tutorial discussions throughout the semester.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Support students to link knowledge of pathophysiological characteristics and medical management with the practical assessment of exercise capacity and exercise prescription in people with cancer and mental health conditions
  • Foster a collaborative, supportbive leanring environment to support studnets to understand the emerging role for an exercise physiologist in the management of a variety of cancer and mental health conditions
  • Support students to develop and demonstrate practical skills as an exercise physiologist in a variety of health conditions within an interdiscplinary public and private practice
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Critically examine the pathophysiology, standard diagnostic criteria, major classifications, medications, surgical, allied health interventions, and health legislative framework in patients with cancer and mental health conditions
  2. Critically evaluate the professional roles and scope of practice of an accredited exercise physiologist (AEP) and apply the clinical, scientific, ethical, and legislative parameters, related to the work of an AEP in the Australian healthcare network
  3. Critically evaluate the broad roles of other medical and allied medical practitioners in the context of primary and secondary disease prevention for all cancer and mental health domains
  4. Design, assess, interpret, and reflect on functional capacity assessment and screening, the physiological and psychological response at rest and whilst exercising in people with cancer, cancer survivors, and people with a mental health condition
  5. Design, apply, assess, monitor, and modify evidence-based exercise programs by identification of risk factors, establishing safe but effective exercise intensity, recognising and avoiding adverse signs and symptoms, implementing appropriate first aid when indicated, referring to appropriate providers when appropriate, and accommodating for the effect of common medications for people with cancer and mental health conditions
  6. Implement and reflect on clinical leadership skill including creation and communication of reports in both verbal and written formats on initial clinical status, changes in clinical status, and progress in response to the exercise intervention for key stakeholders (i.e. client, peers, placement providers, and referrer), according to legislative and compensable scheme requirements for people with cancer or mental health conditions
  7. Assess, interpret, and apply evidence—based behaviour change theory to accommodate individual goal achievement or needs, and to counteract identified psychosocial barriers to exercise compliance and lifestyle modification in people with cancer and mental health conditions