^ = may be enrolled concurrently
^ ENVS9880B - Minor Research Topic (4.5/13.5 units)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of EASC9760A, EASC9760B, EASC9760C, ENVS9700A, ENVS9700B, ENVS9730A, ENVS9730B, ENVS9730C, ENVS9730D, ENVS9730E, ENVS9730F, ENVS9740A, ENVS9740B, ENVS9740C, ENVS9740D, ENVS9740E, ENVS9740F, ENVS9750A, ENVS9750B, ENVS9750C, ENVS9750D, ENVS9750E, ENVS9750F, ENVS9770A, ENVS9770B, ENVS9770C, ENVS9870, ENVS9871, PPHR9700A, PPHR9700B, PPHR9720A, PPHR9720B, PPHR9720C, PPHR9720D has been successfully completed
Topic description
The topic requires students to define a research question, collect and evaluate information and provide a final research product of the results placing the findings in the context of scholarly understanding on the topic. The research topic is to be chosen and conducted under the supervision of a member of academic staff.
Educational aims
  1. For students to undertake a research project in an area relevant to the environment or with application to the environment
  2. To develop a project proposal, fulfil research ethics requirements, undertake research and write up research as a thesis
  3. Communicate the outcomes of their research (both in writing and as a presentation)

These topics will not lead to the 27 unit research program.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to prepare a research proposal relevant to the environment in collaboration with an internal supervisor (and external agencies if relevant)
  2. Demonstrate the ability to critically review existing literature in that area
  3. Demonstrate the ability to investigate an area relevant to environmental research and interpret the results arising from the research
  4. Communicate the research methods, results and to be able to discuss them in their wider context.