Statics: Force Vectors (vector operations, vector addition of forces, addition of a system of coplanar forces, Cartesian vectors, addition of Cartesian vectors, position vectors, force vector directed along a line, dot product); Force System Resultants (moment of a force, scalar and vector formulations, principle of moments, moment of a force about a specified axis, moment of a couple, simplification of a force and couple system); Equilibrium of a Rigid Body (equilibrium and free-body diagrams 2D/3D, equations of equilibrium (2D/3D), two- and three-force members); Dry Friction (theory of dry friction, equilibrium, impending motion, motion, characteristics of dry friction, problems involving dry friction).
Particle Dynamics: Kinematics (rectilinear kinematics: continuous motion, general curvilinear motion - rectangular components, motion of a projectile); Kinetics - Force and Acceleration (Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, equation of motion for a system of particles, equation of motion - rectangular coordinates), Work and Energy (work of a force, principle of work and energy for a system of particles, power and efficiency, conservative forces and potential energy, conservation of energy); Impulse and Momentum (principal of linear impulse and momentum, conservation of linear momentum, impact).