This topic includes: physiological monitors; pulse oximeters; infusion pumps; defibrillators; haemodialysis machines; neonatal devices (infant incubators, radiant warmers, apnoea monitors, phototherapy); imaging systems (x-ray; image intensifiers; nuclear medicine; gamma camera, ultrasonic imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography); clinical laboratory instrumentation (spectrophotometry, chromatography, electrophoresis etc); allied health devices (diathermy, muscle stimulators, functional electrical stimulation, ultrasound therapy, interferential therapy); implantable devices (cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants); surgical devices (electrosurgery, laser surgery, anaesthetic machines, humidifiers, ventilators); pulmonary function instrumentation (spirometer, plethysmograph, pneumotachograph).
This topic aims to introduce biomedical equipment technology, addressing both the fundamental concepts and the technological advancements of modern instrumentation. Theoretical concepts will be backed up by practical visits to see the instrumentation in use.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.