Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), ladder programming, PLC instructions, timers, counters, flags and analog I/O in PLCs, testing and debugging a program on a PLC, generating timed and event-driven sequences such as traffic lights, automating and monitoring an industrial process with a PLC using on/off or PID (Proportional, Integration and Derivative) control, introduction to SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems, automation and control of a small-scale industrial assembly process, industrial automation in an assembly line including automatic warehouse, inspection, classification and delivery.
The topic aims to introduce students to the principles of electronic design for manufacturing and how to design PCBs for developing prototypes of advanced microelectronic circuits. It also covers how to work with professional design tools available in industry. The students will also learn how to design, program, test, and monitor an automated control system using PLCs.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.