1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
1 x 1-hour workshop weekly
2 x 1-hour project works weekly
1 Admission into BENGSH-Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours)
1a Admission into BCSCH-Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
1b Admission into BCSCAIH-Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Honours)
1c Admission into BITH-Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
1d Admission into HBIT-Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
1e Admission into HBSC-Bachelor of Science (Honours)
1f Admission into BENGSC-Bachelor of Engineering Science
1g Admission into BENGCNSH-Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Systems) (Honours)
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g))
Enrolment not permitted
ENGR4791 has been successfully completed
Topic description

This topic will focus on software process engineering, that is, the definition, implementation, measurement, management, change and improvement of the software engineering (development) process. Software process engineering is a rapidly evolving area. The topic will consider the currently applicable paradigms and methods such as the on-going developments centred on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). Where relevant, software development environments and development methods will also be covered.

Educational aims

This topic aims to establish professional knowledge and competencies in the definition, implementation, measurement, management, change and improvement of the software engineering process studied and practiced in the previous three software engineering topics. Another aim is to consider the currently applicable paradigms and methods in software process engineering and, where relevant, software development environments and development methods.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Understand and explain the key concepts in software process engineering
  2. Describe and apply approaches to the definition, measurement and improvement of organizational level software engineering process
  3. Discuss the applicability of current software development process models
  4. Understand the various issues associated with process implementation and the various strategies to deal with these
  5. Work well in a team environment with improved communication skills