1 x 3-hour lecture weekly
1 x 1-hour tutorial weekly
1 x 4-hour independent study weekly
1 x 30-hour project work per semester
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 1 of PHYS1101, PHYS1205, ENGR1722, ENGR1208
2 ^ ENGR2861 - Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Waves
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Assignment(s), Examination, Project
Topic description

Electromagnetic systems are used to collect, process and exploit information from the EM spectrum to provide situational awareness, communicate, and create effects. These systems are used in Defence, disaster management, search and rescue, and are fundamental to our Nation’s security. Electromagnetic systems can be either active or passive with examples including laser range finders, infrared imaging systems, spectral sensing systems, radar systems, and wireless communication systems. This course will cover the technologies that underpin these systems, the important elements of system design and how system design is determined by end application. Specific examples such as object detection in the land, air and maritime environments, threat warning and wireless communications will be addressed. Potential methods to counter these systems and reduce their efficacy will be touched upon.

Educational aims

By the end of the topic students will have a good knowledge of:

  • The atmospheric propagation of electromagnetic radiation
  • Solid state laser technology
  • Imaging in the visible, short wave IR, medium wave IR and long wave IR bands, including detector materials and concepts such as dynamic range, sensitivity and spatial resolution, field of view, field of regard and ground sample distance
  • Radar technologies to detect, locate and track targets at various ranges and in various environments, use of the radar equation
  • Countermeasure techniques such as camouflage, stealth and decoys
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Understand the use and implementation of various EM systems
  2. Determine the best system to undertake a task involving EM technology and systems
  3. Analyse of critical system parameters and the trade-offs involved in system selection and fitness for purpose