Structure of a microprocessor in general and a current microcontroller in particular, instructions set including move, arithmetic/logic, and program flow control, assembly language programming, basic arithmetic operations, working with BCD numbers, stack and its role, subroutines, looping, creating delays, look up tables and code conversion, indirect addressing and indexing, parallel ports, interfacing digital I/O, interfacing LCD, keypad, and 7-segments, timers and counters in microcontrollers, interrupts including priority, interfacing analog I/O using A/D and D/A, sampling, storing and displaying analog signals in a data acquisition system, interfacing external I/O ports and external memory.
This topic aims to introduce students to the principles of using microprocessors in digital systems. It describes the structure and instruction set of a current microcontroller and demonstrates various techniques for programming in assembly language. It also covers general Input/Output and basic interfacing techniques for microprocessors, and handling of analog signals and the use of timers and interrupts for various tasks.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.