1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
5 x 3-hour practicals per semester
Enrolment not permitted
1 of PHYS1101, ENGR8812 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Year 11 Physics and Mathematics
Examination, Mechanical Quizzes, Mechanical Practical Experiments, On-line Quizzes, Workshop Laboratories
Topic description
Statics: Force Vectors (vector operations, vector addition of forces, addition of a system of coplanar forces, Cartesian vectors, addition of Cartesian vectors, position vectors, force vector directed along a line, dot product); Force System Resultants (moment of a force, scalar and vector formulations, principle of moments, moment of a force about a specified axis, moment of a couple, simplification of a force and couple system); Equilibrium of a Rigid Body (equilibrium and free-body diagrams 2D/3D, equations of equilibrium (2D/3D), two- and three-force members); Dry Friction (theory of dry friction, equilibrium, impending motion, motion, characteristics of dry friction, problems involving dry friction).

Particle Dynamics: Kinematics (rectilinear kinematics: continuous motion, general curvilinear motion - rectangular components, motion of a projectile); Kinetics - Force and Acceleration (Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, equation of motion for a system of particles, equation of motion - rectangular coordinates), Work and Energy (work of a force, principle of work and energy for a system of particles, power and efficiency, conservative forces and potential energy, conservation of energy); Impulse and Momentum (principal of linear impulse and momentum, conservation of linear momentum, impact).
Educational aims
This topic is a fundamental topic upon which most of the later year engineering topics build. This topic aims to ensure that the students understand both basic laws as they apply to static and dynamic mechanical systems and the theory and laws applicable to fundamental electrical circuits.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of this topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Understand concepts of static force systems (machines and structures)
  2. Understand in depth the skills to analyse these force systems and the physical meaning of force and moment equilibrium
  3. Acquire the skill to draw free-body diagrams and apply the equations of equilibrium for 2D and 3D rigid bodies
  4. Understand the characteristics of dry friction and how to analyse problems involving dry friction
  5. Understand the dynamic properties of particles and rigid bodies
  6. Write the relevant equations of motion associated with Force, Torque and Acceleration, Work and Energy, Impulse and Momentum
  7. Solve engineering problems dealing with the static and dynamical motion of particles subject to forces and accelerations