2 x 1-hour lectures weekly
1 x 1-hour tutorial weekly
Enrolment not permitted
1 of ENGL1003, ENGL1003A has been successfully completed
Assignment(s); Examination(s)25%; Test(s).
Topic description
'Approaches to Literature' is the first topic in the English and Creative Writing list of offerings at Flinders University, and introduces students to the study of literature at university level. It aims to enrich the study of literature by encouraging students to develop thoughtful interpretative skills about a range of literary works from across the ages. In this topic students will study the 'seven basic plots' of literature, and explore the relation between literature and its historical and cultural contexts. 'Approaches to Literature' is the launching pad for both the Literature and Creative Writing majors.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • introduce students to a range of genres and critical approaches

  • develop students' critical and research skills

  • assist students to bridge the gap between secondary-level English Studies and university English

  • introduce students to the basic plots of literature in the Western tradition, and assist them in tracing the origins of human storytelling in texts from across the centuries
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • demonstrate that they can read and write critically

  • participate effectively in tutorials

  • demonstrate that they can interpret a variety of texts

  • demonstrate that they can process and apply primary and secondary literary studies sources

  • approach other topics offered in the Literature and Creative Majors with the basic skills required for university writing and critical reading