3 x 8-hour seminars per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 EDUC9761 - Approaches to Research
2 1 of EDUC9856, EDUC9857
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Topic description
In this topic students will undertake an independent research study in an area of education. Students undertaking a specialisation will select a topic within their specialised area of study. Students will examine contemporary research involving a selected area of interest to address educational issue/s and to identify an area for a research project. They will critically examine recent literature, engage in debate and reflection, and develop and apply their knowledge to plan, conduct and report a research project in their chosen area of interest.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • foster inquiry as an essential educational practice

  • improve students' research skills and ability to critically evaluate literature

  • enable students to apply skills and knowledge relating to an area of educational theory or practice

  • encourage students to generate researchable questions in an area of current interest in educational theory, policy or practice

  • enable students to undertake an in-depth research study in an area of education

  • improve students' ability to construct, test and defend an argument

  • enable students to report research findings
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • examine current literature in the field of education with an informed, critical perspective

  • formulate research questions to investigate issues of interest and/or current concern in education

  • apply research principles and methods in the evaluation and design of research into a current educational issue

  • generate detailed proposal for educational research, including consideration of ethical research standards, methods and timelines

  • undertake and report on a substantial independent research project

  • communicate findings from analysis and synthesis of reading and personal research using high standards of academic literacy.