1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1d Admission into MEDGEP-Master of Education (Gifted Education) [1.5 years]
1e Admission into MEDIBP-Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) [1.5 years]
1f Admission into MEDLMP-Master of Education (Leadership and Management) [1.5 years]
1g Admission into MEDWSP-Master of Education [1.5 years]
1h Admission into MEDWM-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health)
1i Admission into MEDWMP-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) [1.5 years]
1j Admission into MEDLE-Master of Education (Languages Education)
1k Admission into MEDLEP-Master of Education (Languages Education) [1.5 years]
1l Admission into GDPTESOL-GradDip in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
1m Admission into MTESOL-Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
1n Admission into MCPEP-Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
3 Admission into BAMTPR-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary)
3a Admission into BAMTS-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
3b Admission into BGSCMTPR-Bachelor of General Science, Master of Teaching (Primary)
3c Admission into BSCMTS-Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
4 108 units of study
2 Admission into GCE-Graduate Certificate in Education
2a Admission into MED-Master of Education
2b Admission into MLE-Master of Leadership in Education
1 Admission into MEDCP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac)
1a Admission into MEDLM-Master of Education (Leadership and Management)
1b Admission into MEDWS-Master of Education
1c Admission into MEDCPP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac) [1.5 years]
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b)) or ((3 or 3a or 3b or 3c) and 4))
Assumed knowledge
A minimum of two years (three years desirable) in modern language studies at a tertiary level or equivalent.
Topic description

This topic applies relevant theories, research and innovative practices of foreign language teaching to effective, efficient, and pedagogically sound use of new technologies.

It investigates and critiques contemporary issues pertaining to the use of new technologies in foreign language education.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Explore theory, research and practice in foreign language education with the aid of new technologies (CALL and beyond, e.g., MALL, on-line environments: synchronous and asynchronous)
  • Foster enquiry into issues around integration of new technologies in the field of foreign language education
  • Develop the capacity to evaluate new technologies in foreign language for different purposes and for different stakeholders
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge about theories and research relevant for application of a range of new technologies for foreign language teaching and learning
  2. Critically examine current literature to determine sound e-pedagogy in foreign language teaching practice
  3. Evaluate the use of selected new technology in foreign language teaching in general and its application in a specific educational context to determine how technology can benefit student learning outcomes
  4. Apply a range of considerations (cognitive, socio-affective, ethical) in effective use of new technologies in foreign language teaching and learning to specific educational contexts