
1 x 2-hour on-line exercises weekly

3 x 1-hour on-line tutorials per semester


1 x 2-day Intensive workshop per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into MEDSE-Master of Education (Special Education)
1a Admission into GCESE-Graduate Certificate in Education (Special Education)
1b Admission into BSE-Bachelor of Special Education
1c Admission into MEDSEP-Master of Education (Special Education) [1.5 years]
1d Admission into MEDWM-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health)
1e Admission into MEDWMP-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) [1.5 years]
1f Admission into MED-Master of Education
1g Admission into MCPEP-Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
1h Admission into MISE-Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education
1i Admission into GCIED-Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education
1j Admission into MWPMHE-Master of Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health in Education
1k Admission into GCE-Graduate Certificate in Education
2 Admission into BAMTEC-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
2a Admission into BAMTPR-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary)
2b Admission into BAMTS-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
2c Admission into BGSCMTPR-Bachelor of General Science, Master of Teaching (Primary)
2d Admission into BLANGMTS-Bachelor of Languages, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
2e Admission into BSCMTS-Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
3 108 units of study
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e) and 3))
Topic description
This topic focuses on how Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) impacts a learner’s participation and teaching practices essential to supporting the learner with ASD in education. The characteristics of children and youth with ASD, their diverse presentation and profiles are addressed to understand the need for educational practices that support their individual learning profiles. There will be a focus on the common areas of difficulty for learners with ASD including the social, emotional, communication, learning, behavioural and sensory support needs of children and youth in education. Participants will demonstrate planning and implementation of evidence-based practice that specifically address the areas of difficulty characteristic of learners with ASD. Participants will plan and program at the individual level based on the learner’s profile and their specific needs for accommodation and modification within Curriculum frameworks.
Educational aims
  • Participants will develop an understanding of the characteristics of learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and how this impacts their learning.

  • Participants will develop educational programs for children and youth with ASD based on common difficulties and individual learner profiles. Programming will be based on practices supported by critical analysis of evidence.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of strengths and difficulties experienced by learners with ASD and how these impact their learning.

  • demonstrate they are able to source reliable information and critically analyse the extent to which recommended practices in the literature are evidence-based.

  • develop an individualised learner profile based on the core characteristics of learners with ASD

  • plan an individualised education program that incorporates accommodations and/or modifications addressing the ASD learner profile in their current educational setting.