1 x 2-hour independent study weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
3g Admission into MED-STAS-Studies of Asia
3h Admission into MED-WSPC-Without Specialisation
1 Admission into MSE-Master of Special Education
1a Admission into MDS-Master of Disability Studies
1b Admission into BSE-Bachelor of Special Education
1c Admission into MEDEC-Master of Education (Early Childhood Studies)
1d Admission into MEDCP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac)
1e Admission into MEDER-Master of Education (Ed Research, Evaluation and Assessment)
1f Admission into MEDGE-Master of Education (Gifted Education)
1g Admission into MEDIB-Master of Education (International Baccalaureate)
1h Admission into MEDLM-Master of Education (Leadership and Management)
1i Admission into MEDSA-Master of Education (Studies of Asia)
1j Admission into MEDSE-Master of Education (Special Education)
1k Admission into MEDECP-Master of Education (Early Childhood Studies) [1.5 years]
1l Admission into MEDWS-Master of Education
1m Admission into GCEVI-Graduate Certificate in Education (Vision Impairment)
1n Admission into GCESE-Graduate Certificate in Education (Special Education)
1o Admission into GCEWS-Graduate Certificate in Education
1p Admission into MEDCPP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac) [1.5 years]
1q Admission into MEDERP-Master of Education (Ed Research, Evaluation and Assessment) [1.5 years]
1r Admission into MEDGEP-Master of Education (Gifted Education) [1.5 years]
1s Admission into MEDIBP-Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) [1.5 years]
1t Admission into MEDSEP-Master of Education (Special Education) [1.5 years]
1u Admission into MEDLMP-Master of Education (Leadership and Management) [1.5 years]
1v Admission into MEDSAP-Master of Education (Studies of Asia) [1.5 years]
1w Admission into MEDWSP-Master of Education [1.5 years]
1x Admission into MEDWM-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health)
1y Admission into MEDWMP-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) [1.5 years]
1z Admission into MDPP-Master of Disability Policy and Practice
1{ Admission into MDPPA-Master of Disability Policy and Practice [1.5 years]
1| Admission into MTSEPR-Master of Teaching (Special Education) (Primary)
1} Admission into MTSESC-Master of Teaching (Special Education) (Secondary)
2 Admission into GCE-VIMP-Vision Impairment
2a Admission into GCE-SPED-Special Education
3 Admission into MED-CPEP-Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
3a Admission into MED-EREA-Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment
3b Admission into MED-GFED-Gifted Education
3c Admission into MED-IB-International Baccalaureate
3d Admission into MED-LDMG-Leadership and Management
3e Admission into MED-SJED-Social Justice in Education
3f Admission into MED-SPED-Special Education
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p or 1q or 1r or 1s or 1t or 1u or 1v or 1w or 1x or 1y or 1z or 1{ or 1| or 1})) or ((2 or 2a)) or ((3 or 3a or 3b or 3c or 3d or 3e or 3f or 3g or 3h)))
Enrolment not permitted
EDSP9064 has been successfully completed
Topic description

This topic introduces sensory impairment in young people. It provides an overview of the nature and characteristics of vision and hearing impairment. The aetiology, assessment, management, impact on learning and the delivery of inclusive educational practices are addressed. The causes and effects of dual sensory impairment will also be examined with an emphasis on understanding the interaction between Deafblindness, development and learning.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Provide students with a basic understanding of the concepts, knowledge and skills relating to the identification, assessment and management of students with vision and hearing impairment
  • Develop student understanding of effective ways of delivering inclusive education to students with vision and hearing impairment
  • Provide students with an understanding of the causes and effects of dual sensory impairments in particular an understanding of the interaction between Deafblindness, development and learning
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding off the assessment and diagnosis of vision and hearing impairment
  2. Recognise and discuss the characteristics and needs of students with vision, hearing and dual sensory impairment
  3. Describe effective ways of delivering inclusive education to students with vision and hearing impairment and those with dual sensory loss
  4. Recognise and discuss the effect of Deafblindness on children's development and learning