1 x 40-day field placement per semester
1 Admission into MTPR-Master of Teaching (Primary)
2 Admission into MTSEPR-Master of Teaching (Special Education) (Primary)
3 4 of EDUC9121, EDUC9125, EDUC9406, EDUC9228, EDUC9220
3a 4.0000000000 of EDUC9120, EDUC9311, EDUC9522, EDUC9512
4 36 Units of study
5 EDUC9221 - Mathematics Curriculum Studies in Context
6 EDUC9131 - Professional Experience: An Introduction (Primary R-7)
7 1 of EDUC9232, EDUC9234
7a EDUC9235 - Professional Experience 1 and Inclusive practice (Primary R-7)
8 EDUC9135 - Teaching in and through the Expressive Arts: Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts
9 Admission into BAMTPR-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary)
9a Admission into BGSCMTPR-Bachelor of General Science, Master of Teaching (Primary)
10 90 units of study
Must Satisfy: ((1) or (2)) and (((3 or 3a) and 4 and 5 and 6 and (7 or 7a) and 8) or ((9 or 9a) and 10))
Topic description
Pre-service teachers are expected to attend the staff planning days at the commencement of the school year, completing a total 0f 10 days of planning visits through term1 and then a block of 6 weeks of teaching (30 days) from the beginning of school Term 2. Pre-service teachers work closely with their mentor teachers as they assume a full range of teaching responsibilities under the guidance of their mentor teacher. The pre-service teacher is expected to plan, implement and evaluate extended teaching and learning programs that demonstrate knowledge of recent developments in primary education. A university-appointed liaison will maintain links between the pre-service teacher, the school mentors and the university coordinators to ensure that the pre-service teacher analyses their performance and develops a portfolio that, together with their written report, indicates compliance with Professional Standards and readiness for entry to the Register of the Teachers Registration Board of South Australia
Educational aims
This professional learning experience provides students with an opportunity to:

  • form co-operative and effective professional relationships with students, staff and parents;
  • plan creatively for extended periods of teaching, including planning units of work;
  • plan appropriate curriculum and teaching materials for their given students demonstrating knowledge of recent developments in primary education;
  • use inclusive teaching methodologies;
  • manage the learning environment for extended periods of time;
  • assess and record student learning for reporting to students and parents/carers;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of their educational program and critically reflect on their performance as a teacher;
  • deepen their understandings of how children learn and develop through a process of praxis, in which they research, inquire, test and use the theoretical knowledge that they have acquired and are acquiring;
  • document and organise evidence of their developing professional knowledge, professional practice and professional relationships, and
  • act in ways that show a clear understanding of the professional and ethical requirements of a teacher.
Expected learning outcomes
As a result of this professional learning experience, it is anticipated that students will have:

  • shown that they meet the National Standards for Teachers at either the graduate or proficient level;

  • documented and organised evidence demonstrating their levels of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement, and

  • demonstrated readiness for entry to the Register of Teachers held by The Teachers Registration Board of South Australia.