On Campus
10 x 3-hour tutorials per semester

Distance Online (Early Childhood Studies ONLY)
5 x 2-hour online tutorials per semester
10 x 2-hour online exercises per semester
1 Admission into MTEC-Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
1a Admission into GCECE-Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education
1b Admission into GCE-Graduate Certificate in Education
1c Admission into MED-Master of Education
1d Admission into MLE-Master of Leadership in Education
1e Admission into MEDUA-Master of Education
1f Admission into MLEA-Master of Leadership in Education
1g Admission into MTB-Master of Teaching (Birth to 5)
1h Admission into GCECEB-Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Birth to 5)
1i Admission into GDPECEB-Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Birth to 5)
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i))
Enrolment not permitted
EDUC9202 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
High literacy competency
Topic description
This topic introduces the complex intersections between play, teaching and learning. Through the inquiry based teaching and learning processes of the topic, students will be critically reflecting on their experiences as learners as they interpret and synthesise current research and theoretical perspectives regarding the complex relationship of teaching, learning and development in the early childhood years. The topic enables students to develop the expert knowledge base necessary for engaging infants and young children in significant and challenging learning.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to:

  • examine the complex intersections between practical experience, research and theory regarding young children's play, teaching, learning and development

  • introduce observational and analytic skills in relation to children's learning

  • critically analyse teachers' decision-making using diverse theoretical perspectives regarding play, teaching and learning

  • co-construct knowledge regarding teaching and learning
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will:
  • select appropriate ways of gathering and analysing information about children's early learning and development
  • identify a repertoire of practices that support young children's learning
  • work alongside children as active, co-constructors of meaning in play
  • use a theoretical knowledge base to analyse the ways decisions about teaching and learning are made and implemented