1 x 3-day intensive workshop per semester
1 x 1-hour on-line exercises weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into MEDCP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac)
1a Admission into MEDLM-Master of Education (Leadership and Management)
1b Admission into MEDSE-Master of Education (Special Education)
1c Admission into MEDWS-Master of Education
1d Admission into MEDCPP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac) [1.5 years]
1e Admission into MEDGEP-Master of Education (Gifted Education) [1.5 years]
1f Admission into MEDIBP-Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) [1.5 years]
1g Admission into MEDSEP-Master of Education (Special Education) [1.5 years]
1h Admission into MEDLMP-Master of Education (Leadership and Management) [1.5 years]
1i Admission into MEDWSP-Master of Education [1.5 years]
1j Admission into MEDWM-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health)
1k Admission into MEDWMP-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) [1.5 years]
1l Admission into MEDLE-Master of Education (Languages Education)
1m Admission into MEDLEP-Master of Education (Languages Education) [1.5 years]
3 Admission into BAMTPR-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary)
3a Admission into BAMTS-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
3b Admission into BGSCMTPR-Bachelor of General Science, Master of Teaching (Primary)
3c Admission into BSCMTS-Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
4 108 units of study
2 Admission into MED-Master of Education
2a Admission into MCPEP-Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
2b Admission into MLE-Master of Leadership in Education
2c Admission into MISE-Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education
2d Admission into MWPMHE-Master of Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health in Education
2e Admission into GCLED-Graduate Certificate in Leadership in Education
2f Admission into GCE-Graduate Certificate in Education
2g Admission into MCPEPA-Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
2h Admission into MEDUA-Master of Education
2i Admission into MLEA-Master of Leadership in Education
2j Admission into MWPMHEA-Master of Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health in Education
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e or 2f or 2g or 2h or 2i or 2j)) or ((3 or 3a or 3b or 3c) and 4))
Enrolment not permitted
EDUC9618 has been successfully completed
Topic description
This topic offers participants an opportunity to critically dialogue a range of selected academic educational leadership readings pertaining to pedagogical leadership and to consider the associated challenges and opportunities of enacting aspects of the literature in their educational settings.

The topic invites participants to discuss with other topic participants their educational settings pedagogical leadership experiences, understandings and challenges in relation to the literature.

Participants will be situated within a developing university led leaders professional learning community (LPLC) which will promote active discussion of contextual challenges that need to be considered when experimenting with new forms of pedagogical leadership in unique educational communities.

Participants will be encouraged to develop a more critical praxis approach to pedagogical work within their educational communities communities to promote contextually based pedagogical leadership learning and practice. New contextual understandings about pedagogical leadership will emerge through the application of theory and practice. Leaders will be invited to write about their pedagogical leadership experiments for peer reviewed educational journals, subject to ethics approval.
Educational aims
This topic aims to provide opportunities for:

  • an application of leadership theory as it applies to pedagogical leadership in educational settings

  • the development of critical praxis in leaders work

  • the demonstration of relational leadership within a university led professional learning community to support learning and promote experimentation

  • the promotion of research based ways for participants to engender pedagogical change in their schools/preschools

  • leaders to address their presenting contextual challenges re pedagogy
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • reflexively evaluate the range of contemporary approaches to pedagogical leadership relevant to their contexts

  • develop a philosophy for pedagogical leadership that reflects the contemporary approaches and a relational concern

  • develop an approach to pedagogical leadership that is reflective of their philosophy of pedagogical leadership and grounded in the opportunities and aspirations of their context