1 x 3-hour workshop weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BEDPRBA-Bachelor of Education (Primary), Bachelor of Arts
1a Admission into BEDMSSBA-B Education (Middle & Secondary Schooling), B Arts
1b Admission into BEDMSSBHS-B Education (Middle & Secondary Schooling), B Health Sciences
1c Admission into BEDMSSBSC-B Education (Middle & Secondary Schooling), B Science
1d Admission into BEDECBA-Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Arts
1e Admission into MTPR-Master of Teaching (Primary)
1f Admission into MTS-Master of Teaching (Secondary)
1g Admission into BEDECSEBDS-B Education (Early Childhood & Special Ed), B Disability Studies
1h Admission into BEDPRSEBDS-B Education (Primary R-7 & Special Ed), B Disability Studies
1i Admission into BEDMSSEBDS-B Education (Middle & Secondary/Special Ed), B Disability Studies
1j Admission into BEDSBA-Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Arts
1k Admission into BEDSBHS-Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Health Sciences
1l Admission into BEDSBSC-Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Science
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l))
Enrolment not permitted
EDUC3502 has been successfully completed
Topic description
How can educators meet the needs of gifted and creative learners? This topic helps students to understand the concepts of intelligence, giftedness and creativity, to recognise and value students who demonstrate these traits and to make appropriate educational provisions to cater for their unique learning needs. Theories and research will be introduced which explore these issues, and students will be encouraged to develop and apply higher order critical, creative and caring thinking skills. Models of provision for gifted and creative learners will be examined and students will evaluate and develop units of work that are appropriately differentiated to meet the needs of a range of learners in the mainstream classroom, and in particular those who are gifted and creative.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • introduce students to research, theories and literature which examine the concepts of intelligence, giftedness and creativity
  • encourage students to apply a wide range of assessment measures to identify intelligence, giftedness and creativity
  • present a range of models and strategies which may be appropriate to use when designing and evaluating educational provisions for gifted and creative learners
  • develop students' knowledge, skills and understanding about curriculum and instruction that are appropriately differentiated to meet a range of gifted and creative learners' needs
  • encourage students to value, recognise and make provision for students who are gifted and creative
Expected learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic, students should be able to:

  • demonstrate a sound appreciation of the concepts and definitions of intelligence, giftedness and creativity and their implications for educational provision
  • apply a varietyof tests, checklists and other methods to identify gifted and creative learners
  • demonstrate their application of critical, creative and caring thinking strategies in planning curriculum for gifted and creative learners
  • explain why appropriate school provisions for gifted and creative learners are needed, and describe what these might include
  • evaluate a unit of work that is appropriately differentiated for gifted students in the regular classroom
  • plan a differentiated unit of work to meet the needs of gifted students