15 x 1-day field placements per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
^ EDUC2326 - Professional Experience: Year 2A (Middle and Secondary Schooling)
Course context
Professional experience placements in year 2 are allotted to eligible students in one of three ways.

1) 15 full days completed as a continuous block of teaching either in February School term 1 (EDUC2326) or Nov/December School term 4 (EDUC2426).

2) 120 hour part-time across semester one (EDUC2326 only)

3) 120 hours across the semester 1 and most of semester 2 ( in conjunction with EDUC2426).
Topic description
During this professional experience pre-service teachers observe and experience some of the key roles of teachers. They engage with and contribute to supervised learning programs and, analyse, review and determine their commitment and preparedness for this career.

Before, during and after placement students participate in a series of constructively aligned assessment tasks to plan personalised learning goals for future placements.

Professional experience placements in year 2 are allotted to eligible students in one of three ways.

  1. 15 full days completed as a continuous block of teaching either in February (EDUC2326) or November/December (EDUC2426).
  2. 120 hours part-time across Semester 1 (EDUC2326 only)
  3. 120 hours part-time across Semester 2 (EDUC2426 only).

Students enrolled in this topic must also be enrolled in EDUC2326 concurrently
Educational aims
This topic aims to provide pre-service teachers with experiences that enable them to :

  • understand the complex roles and responsibilities of teachers
  • observe and learn how to effectively communicate, interact and work alongside school students and school staff
  • consider how staff/student relationships influence ways of student learning, being, engaging and participating at school
  • under supervision, assume some of the roles and responsibilities of classroom teachers
  • behave collaboratively and effectively with all members of the school community
  • make a valuable contribution to a recognised learning program within the school
  • evaluate their readiness and commitment for a career in teaching
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic successful pre-service teachers will be able to:

  • articulate their understandings of the complex work and roles teachers and other school staff
  • define ways schools provide social, emotional and academic opportunities for school students to improve learning and engagement
  • communicate effectively with all members of the school community
  • understand how relational ways of being influence teachers’ and students’ capacity to learn, participate and belong.
  • assume some teaching responsibilities such as planning a lesson, facilitating group work and assisting individual students in recognised learning programs
  • articulate how student characteristics may influence their learning
  • devise some effective ways of supporting engagement in learning
  • implement a variety of teaching strategies and resources
  • Record, analyse, review and plan learning goals for future professional experiences
  • Determine whether this is a good career choice for them.