1 x 90-minute lecture weekly
1 x 90-minute tutorial weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
4c Admission into BHSHM-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Management)
4d Admission into BHSHP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Promotion)
4e Admission into BHSIN-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Innovation)
4f Admission into BHSPN-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Physiology and Neuroscience)
4g Admission into BHSPS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology)
4h Admission into BHSTS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Therapy Studies)
1 22.5 Units in DSRS2 topics
2 DSRS2236 - Practicum B - Disability and Community Rehabilitation
3 Admission into BHSMOT-Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy
4 Admission into BHS-Bachelor of Health Sciences
4a Admission into BHSAG-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Ageing)
4b Admission into BHSDH-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Digital Health)
Must Satisfy: ((1 and 2) or (3) or ((4 or 4a or 4b or 4c or 4d or 4e or 4f or 4g or 4h)))
Enrolment not permitted
DSRS3209 has been successfully completed
Assignments; Practical Work; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
This topic focuses on opportunities to gain an understanding of basic counselling theories and micro-skills that are applicable in a variety of work and personal settings. Students are encouraged to draw on work and practicum experiences gained up to this point in their program of study, and to apply new counselling knowledge and skills to their personal lives as well as current work and practicum settings. An integral aspect of the topic for internal students is student participation in tutorial skills-building sessions which are used for the supervised practice of micro-skills and techniques that are presented throughout the semester. External students are required to practice specified skills weekly with friends, colleagues, or family members and to provide feedback on these activities to their tutor.
Educational aims
This topic focuses on the theory and practice of basic counselling skills that are useful in a variety of work and personal settings, with an emphasis on:

  • Understanding counselling theories and their links to practice in a range of human service roles

  • Opportunities for purposeful practice of counselling micro-skills

  • Completion of an effective and structured counselling interview using basic counselling skills

  • Facilitating personal reflection and peer feedback in skills development

  • Understanding the importance of ethical issues and self-care in human service roles.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to be able to demonstrate: (Assessment items relating to each Learning Outcome are listed)

  • LO1: An understanding of basic counselling theories and microskills, and how these may be applied in a range of human service roles and settings

    Journal Entries

    Major Assignment

  • LO2: An appreciation of the ethical and professional issues associated with the counselling process, including awareness of limitations of their own role and skills, and multicultural considerations for clients and counsellors

    Weekly participation/responses and moderated self evaluation

    Journal Entries

    Major Assignment

  • LO3: An increased perception of the impact of personal values and attitudes on effective counselling skills, and the ability to articulate these

    Face to Face and Journal Activities

  • LO4: A consistent commitment to facilitating their own and peers’ learning through the exchange of constructive feedback.

    Weekly participation/responses and moderated self evaluation.