1 x 2-hour seminar weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 18 Units of Level 2 CRIM topics
2 18 Units of Level 2 LLAW topics
Must Satisfy: ((1) or (2))
Enrolment not permitted
CRIM3008 has been successfully completed
Topic description

The topic addresses concepts related to the 'internationalisation' of criminal justice including globalisation, non-territoriality, changing conceptions of state sovereignty and the network state. These concepts are elaborated upon in relation to a range of substantive areas of study. Illustrations of subject matter include: e-crimes and responses to cyber crimes; organised crime, money laundering and the international financial system; the 'network of terror'; drugs and arms trafficking; global sex markets, i.e. sex traffic and sex tourism; 'admissible' and 'non-admissible' state crimes; risk, globalisation and crimes against the environment; human rights and the scales of justice, i.e. national, European, international, global, with emphasis on the European Union; police cooperation and the network state.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Expose students in to the fundamental issues and principles of criminal justice as it may operate in the international sphere
  • Facilitate student awareness of relevant contextual matters that can shape the nature and operation of international criminal justice
  • Provide students with a coherent theoretical framework with which to understand the increasingly prominent discourses operating in the field of international criminal justice
  • Allow students to understand the reality and significance of the global dimension of crime
  • Provide students with the tools to be able to rationally critique understandings, theories and applications of international criminal justice
  • Motivate students to engage in independent research about international criminal justice
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Explain selected issues and their implications using a coherent theoretical and contextual framework
  2. Identify key themes and controversial issues in International Criminal Justice
  3. Present reasoned arguments for adopting a particular position in relation to these themes
  4. Critically analyse and comment upon selected subject matter in International Criminal Justice
  5. Demonstrate familiarity with a range of research tools to access information related to the subject matter
  6. Engage in and produce scholarly outcomes of effective independent research concerning an appropriately substantial component of the subject matter