Semester Availability
1 x 1-hour online lecture weekly
1 x 2-hour workshop fortnightly
2 x 1-hour lecture per semester

Non-Semester Availability
1 x 5-day intensive workshop once-only
1 18 Units of Level 2 CRIM topics
2 18 Units of Level 2 LLAW topics
Must Satisfy: ((1) or (2))
Topic description
This topic is based on the presentation and analysis of key national and international issues in criminal justice. It is taught by visiting international scholars and/or current Law School staff. In any year, the topic will centre on particular issues shaping the nature of criminological theory, policing, courts or corrections in particular jurisdictions. Issues which might form the basis of the topic from year to year include: the relationship between race, social marginalisation and mass imprisonment; national and international innovations in court practices; what works in probation and/or prisoner reintegration; how theory and practice diverge and/or converge in various criminal justice settings.
Educational aims
This topic serves as an umbrella topic to accommodate special or one-off offerings in a topical area of criminal justice not currently part of the law curriculum in circumstances when availability of visiting or other staff resources permit. Aims will be drawn up on an ad hoc basis for each offering.
Expected learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete this topic will be able to:

  • demonstrate achievement of the expected learning outcomes associated with the topic description and content that may be approved from time to time in light of the special nature of this umbrella topic