1 x 1-hour supervised study fortnightly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into GDPCACW-Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
1a Admission into GDPCADR-Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (Drama)
1b Admission into GDPCASP-Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (Screen Production)
1c Admission into MCACW-Master of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
1d Admission into MCADR-Master of Creative Arts (Drama)
1e Admission into MCASP-Master of Creative Arts (Screen Production)
1f Admission into HBCAVA-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Arts)
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f))
Enrolment not permitted
CREA8001 has been successfully completed
Topic description

In this topic students will undertake study in an approved project not otherwise covered in the other special approved project offerings, or coursework topics.

Within this area of study the student will complete a theoretic or creative project, related to a specific area of literature of the creative arts. This project should give evidence of the student's ability to analyse and examine a specific area of literature or the creative arts critically. The area of study and the details of the project must be developed in consultation between the student and the staff member.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • provide students with the opportunity to develop specialised creative and/or research skills

  • develop students understanding of specific theoretical and practical issues related to literature or creative arts

  • analyse and apply theoretical and practical frameworks in a specific area of the creative arts

  • provide opportunities to undertake research, and communicate their research processes and outcomes to a variety of audiences
Expected learning outcomes
The learning outcomes for this topic will vary depending on the work undertaken. Additionally, on completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • think critically about the creative arts, and evaluate complex ideas and themes presented in them

  • communicate complex ideas and knowledge regarding creative work and the creative industries, both verbally and in writing, appropriately to a range of audiences

  • analyse and review critically key theoretical issues in the chosen area of creative arts

  • apply knowledge and skills gained through the critical examination of creative works, to produce creative research and/or practice