1 x 2-hour seminar weekly
1 72 units of topics
2 Admission into BCAVA-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
3 18 units of topics
4 Admission into BCAFS-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion)
4a Admission into BCACD-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Costume Design)
4b Admission into BCAFSV-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion) - VET Entry
4c Admission into BCACDV-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Costume Design) - VET Entry
5 36 units of topics
Must Satisfy: ((1) or (2 and 3) or ((4 or 4a or 4b or 4c) and 5))
Enrolment not permitted
CREA9405 has been successfully completed
Topic description
This topic is designed to introduce cultural policy to students whose interests concern the areas of public policy in the arts, culture and society. The relationship between arts, culture and the state is at the core of the subject. It requires the development of a critical understanding of the relationship between public policy and artistic and cultural expression in order to successfully negotiate its objectives.

It will provide an overview of the critical factors which affect the development of cultural policy. It will investigate the nature of cultural policy by looking at the history of cultural policies in different countries under various political regimes & analyse the structure of institutions which have been put in place to promote policies. The course will be held in seminar style and approached on a thematic basis.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • introduce the subject area of cultural policy

  • introduce the history of cultural policy

  • provide an understanding of the different models of cultural funding seen internationally today

  • provide a detailed understanding of the model of cultural funding used in Australia

  • develop the critical skills necessary to interpret and assess a range of cultural policy documents
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • define cultural policy

  • demonstrate a knowledge of the history of cultural policy

  • demonstrate a knowledge of the different mechanisms of cultural provision, their costs and benefits

  • critically evaluate a range of different kinds of cultural policy documents

  • show awareness of how they might position themselves in relation to cultural policy in any career within the cultural sector