1 x 3-hour workshop weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into MBUSWS-Master of Business
1a Admission into MBUSFN-Master of Business (Finance)
1b Admission into MBUSHR-Master of Business (Human Resource Management)
1c Admission into MBUSIB-Master of Business (International Business)
1d Admission into MBUSMK-Master of Business (Marketing)
1e Admission into MBASWS-Master of Business Administration
1f Admission into MACC-Master of Accounting
1g Admission into MAF-Master of Accounting and Finance
1h Admission into GDPBA-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
1i Admission into MPA-Master of Public Administration
1j Admission into MPM-Master of Public Sector Management
1k Admission into MPP-Master of Public Policy
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k))
Assignments, Tutorial presentation
Topic description

Clear communication and critical thinking are key to academic success. This topic is designed to improve students' English language skills for effective communication in a tertiary setting. It covers a range of oral and written English language skills to support non-English speaking background (NESB) postgraduate business students' studying in the Australian context. The topic will focus on the broad areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing and will incorporate discussion and comparison of the social and cultural norms of academic communication in various international contexts. Through analysis of a range of business texts, students will develop their ability to respond critically and to communicate their message in a clear and professional manner. Using authentic examples, students will improve their ability to understand, plan and structure their assignments. Students will be expected to engage critically with a range of texts and produce oral and written texts at a postgraduate standard.

Educational aims

This topic aims to provide postgraduate students from non-English speaking backgrounds with the English language skills necessary for effective communication in a tertiary setting, which includes engaging with and producing high standard academic texts.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Critically analyse and respond to a range of texts
  2. Construct clear and grammatically correct sentences
  3. Edit and proofread their own written work
  4. Employ a range of academic writing conventions, including summarising, paraphrasing and synthesising
  5. Use professional vocabulary
  6. Deliver an engaging and well-structured oral presentation
  7. Apply a range of language learning strategies to complete their academic assignments
  8. Communicate in English with clarity and confidence