1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
1 x 1-hour tutorial weekly
1 Admission into Master of Business
1a Admission into MBUSFN-Master of Business (Finance)
1b Admission into MBUSHR-Master of Business (Human Resource Management)
1c Admission into MBUSIB-Master of Business (International Business)
1d Admission into MBUSMK-Master of Business (Marketing)
1e Admission into MACC-Master of Accounting
1f Admission into MAM-Master of Accounting and Marketing
1g Admission into MENGM-Master of Engineering Management
1h Admission into GDPENGM-Graduate Diploma in Engineering Management
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h))
Assumed knowledge
Tutorial participation; Assignments (individual); Assignments (group); Tests.
Course context
Specialisation Marketing
Assigments, Examination 40%, Tests, Tutorial participation, Tutorial presentation
Topic description
This topic aims to provide students with an introduction to the concepts and tools used in marketing management. Concepts such as: market segmentation, consumer behaviour, marketing mix (product, place, price and promotion), branding and marketing are discussed. These fundamental concepts provide a foundation/framework within which to work. The topic concludes by discussing issues such as internet marketing, marketing strategy and planning. In addition, this topic aims to develop students' team skills.
Educational aims
This topic is structured such that the basic concepts and principles of marketing management are introduced, providing students a foundation/framework within which to work. Students will be required to apply these concepts in their assignment. Students will compare the theories they learn in the class with marketing practices in the real world situations. To improve student team skills, group assessment has been included.
Expected learning outcomes
On sucessful completion of this topic students should be able to:
  1. Discuss the key marketing concepts and how they are applied within the business context
  2. Demonstrate understanding of marketing mix through application to a marketing scenario
  3. Evaluate and discuss factors that influence marketing decisions and consumers’ response to marketing decisions
  4. Communicate and debate on various marketing issues in relation to elements of marketing mix, consumer behaviour, branding and use of various marketing tools
  5. Compare and contrast marketing theories and practices
  6. Recognise the importance of marketing concepts such as marketing segmentations, targeting, consumer behaviour, and marketing mix and so on in the overall marketing planning and strategy formulation.