1 x 3-hour workshop weekly
1 Admission into MBUSWS-Master of Business
1a Admission into MBUSFN-Master of Business (Finance)
1b Admission into MBUSHR-Master of Business (Human Resource Management)
1c Admission into MBUSIB-Master of Business (International Business)
1d Admission into MBUSMK-Master of Business (Marketing)
2 Admission into MACC-Master of Accounting
2a Admission into MAF-Master of Accounting and Finance
2b Admission into MAM-Master of Accounting and Marketing
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b)))
Course context
Master of Business and Technology
Topic description
This topic teaches applied research knowledge and skills that are appropriate for business-related research. It assumes no prior buisness experience or research skills. Skills are applied to identiy and solve real business problems. Students will be required to conduct research in their chosen field of specialisation and communicate the results to a variety of audiences.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to provide you with a tool kit of applied research methods based on empirival evidence and theories. You will be able to conduct project based research on your chosen area of specialisation. You will be required to communicate your findings, both orally and in writing using a recommended format to suit a variety of audiences. You will be encouraged to think creatively, to integrate and apply knowledge and skills aquired throughout your studies, to identify and solve real business problems.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of this unit students will be able to:
  1. demonstrate knowledge of a range of research methods
  2. apply appropriate research methods to critically analyse data and synthesise findings
  3. choose and apply relevant theory to a business issue
  4. Identify the best means of gathering, analysing, and presenting data
  5. critically analyse and integrate a body of literature
  6. present a research proposal and project findings using recommended written and oral formats that are appropriate for academic and business audiences.