4 x 1-hour tutorials per semester
1 x 1-hour workshop weekly
4 x 3-hour practicals per semester
2 x 1-hour on-line lectures weekly
1 1 of BIOL1102, BIOL1203
2 1 of CHEM1201, CHEM1101, CHEM1010
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Topic description

In this topic, students will learn the principles and the regulation of: DNA structure, replication, damage and repair; gene transcription and translation; and protein synthesis, structure, folding and function. Students will gain an overview of the subject matter, will work in teams to apply their knowledge to solve problems in genetic engineering and will discover the relationship between DNA structure and function and develop skills in DNA manipulation, experimental design and scientific report writing.

Educational aims

This topic aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of DNA, RNA and proteins and to provide them with opportunities to apply their knowledge and understanding to the solution of 'real-world' problems related to genetic engineering.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Develop their understanding of the concepts of molecular biology: from the processes and regulation of DNA structure, gene transcription and translation
  2. Develop skills in independent and team-based laboratory work and practical skills in experimental design, handling and manipulating DNA
  3. Perform routine numerical calculations required for the preparation of laboratory reagents and interpretation of experimental results
  4. Maintain a laboratory notebook such that others can reproduce their work. This includes the presentation of experimental results in tables and figures in the laboratory note book and processing and interpreting results suitable for a formal report
  5. Develop and apply their critical thinking skills in molecular biology
  6. Develop their ability to present data and scientific ideas in writing, using scientific language or plain English as appropriate