8 x 8-hour field trips per semester
1 Admission into GCARCH-Graduate Certificate in Archaeology
1a Admission into GDPAHM-Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management
1b Admission into MAHM-Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management
1c Admission into MAHMA-Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management [1.5 years]
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c))
Course context

Fees will be charged to cover such things as transport, accommodation and food, based on the location of the field school.

Topic description

This topic will develop students' abilities to participate in community archaeology work, including those who have previously undertaken ethnoarchaeology. Students will be required to employ skills to an advanced level, which may include those related to site recording and artefact recording, collecting oral histories, and ethical interactions with community members, including Indigenous groups, as appropriate to the community archaeology context. Student will enhance skills in communicating effectively with a range of community members.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Consolidate for students the practical and personal skills necessary to conducting field research with community members
  • Broaden students awareness of the political and ethical dimensions of community archaeology
  • Give students extended practical experience in working with community members
  • Help students to develop recording skills used in community archaeology fieldwork, such as site recording, rock art recording, site and artefact recording, archival research, collecting oral histories and creating plans, maps and other records
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Undertake ethical archaeological fieldwork, including with community groups
  2. Incorporate a broad range of community understandings and perspectives into their own fieldwork and interpretation
  3. Demonstrate an extended understanding of the range of recording processes necessary on an archaeological field project
  4. Demonstrate a suite of advanced recording skills used in the fieldwork process