10 x 8-hour intensive workshops per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into GCARCH-Graduate Certificate in Archaeology
1a Admission into GDPSM-Graduate Diploma in Screen and Media Production
1b Admission into MSM-Master of Screen and Media Production
1c Admission into GCMA-Graduate Certificate in Maritime Archaeology
1d Admission into GDPMA-Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology
1e Admission into MMARCH-Master of Maritime Archaeology
1f Admission into GDPAHM-Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management
1g Admission into MAHM-Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management
1h Admission into MSMA-Master of Screen and Media Production [1 year]
1i Admission into MAHMA-Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management [1.5 years]
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i))
Enrolment not permitted
ARCH8307 has been successfully completed
Topic description

This topic is aimed at graduates in archaeology or an earth sciences background who wish to gain experience in archaeological geophysics. The topic will provide you with an understanding of the scientific principles behind a range of techniques used in shallow archaeological prospection, the basic field operation of such techniques, data processing, data interpretation and geophysical reporting. Techniques covered may include magnetometry, electromagnetic induction, direct current resistivity, seismic techniques and ground penetrating radar. The topic will be delivered through a series of lectures, demonstrations, practical hands-on sessions and computer based labs.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Provide students with a theoretical introduction to geophysical techniques that might be employed in archaeological contexts
  • Introduce students to a range of archaeological case studies within which geophysical techniques have been applied
  • Provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with a range of different geophysical techniques, including but not necessarily limited to ground penetrating radar, magnetometer and electromagnetic induction
  • Provide students with an understanding of geophysical data editing, processing and interpretation procedures
  • Provide students with an understanding of standard geophysical reports
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the major geophysical techniques that might be applied in an archaeological context
  2. Demonstrate a familiarity with a range of literature concerning the geophysical techniques covered during the topic
  3. Demonstrate a familiarity with the basic field operation of a range of different geophysical techniques, including but not necessarily limited to ground penetrating radar, magnetometer and electromagnetic induction
  4. Download, edit and processing simple geophysical data, and to construct simple maps of geophysical information