1 x 1-hour independent study fortnightly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into GDPSM-Graduate Diploma in Screen and Media Production
1a Admission into MSM-Master of Screen and Media Production
1b Admission into GCCHM-Graduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage Management
1c Admission into GCARCH-Graduate Certificate in Archaeology
1d Admission into GCMA-Graduate Certificate in Maritime Archaeology
1e Admission into GDPMA-Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology
1f Admission into MMARCH-Master of Maritime Archaeology
1g Admission into GDPAHM-Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management
1h Admission into MAHM-Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management
1i Admission into MAHMA-Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management [1.5 years]
1j Admission into MSMA-Master of Screen and Media Production [1 year]
1k Admission into MSMI-Master of Screen and Media Production [1.5 years]
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k))
Other requirements
Topic Coordinator approval required for enrolment in this topic
Enrolment not permitted
ARCH8508 has been successfully completed
Topic description
This topic allows students to undertake a mini-research project with an Industry Partner in an area of applied heritage or heritage management practice. Each student will choose a project based on their interests, and work closely with their supervisor and Industry Partner to complete an in-depth study. Assessment for the topic consists of a major written assignment, plus an oral presentation of the research. The assignment will give evidence of the student's abilities in collecting and evaluating information; constructing, testing or defending an argument; and critically examining the available literature in their area of enquiry. Some projects may also require field work, lab work, or archival research. Students may suggest their own areas of research, but this must be developed in consultation with the topic co-ordinator.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • allow students to undertake an in-depth research project into one area of cultural heritage management

  • allow students to develop particular knowledge relating to an area of cultural heritage management

  • improve the students' research skills and their ability to evaluate literature

  • improve the students' ability to construct, test and defend an argument
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students be able to:

  • undertake independent literature based research projects

  • critically assess literature relating to cultural heritage management, archaeology and cultural tourism

  • construct, test and defend an argument

  • understand theoretical, practical and/or political approaches to cultural heritage management at a sophisticated level