1 x 1-hour lecture weekly
1 x 2-hour tutorial weekly
Assignment, Examination, Participation, Presentation
Topic description
This general introduction surveys the development of human societies in different regions of the world. Examples will be taken from ancient sites in the Classical World, Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Australia.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • introduce students to the evolution of human societies in various regions of the world employing case studies ranging from early hominids in Africa at 7 million years ago up to contemporary urban and rural settings

  • provide students with an appreciation of cultural and behavioural diversity

  • provide students with an opportunity to develop critical thinking and oral presentation skills
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of the topic students will be able to:

  • critically evaluate the roles of biological and cultural evolution in relation to the development of a range of human societies worldwide

  • recognise key developments in the evolution of human societies and understand the relationship of these developments to contemporary lifeways

  • critically evaluate the limitations of the use of artefacts and hominid fossils in relation to the reconstruction of past

  • communicate an argument clearly and coherently in front of a small group