1 x 2-hour seminar once-only
1 x 10-hour independent study weekly
1 x 2-hour on-line exercises weekly
1 x 2-hour on-line lecture weekly
5 x 1-hour on-line tutorials per semester
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BHA-Bachelor of Healthy Ageing
2 ^ AGES1001 - Foundation Skills in Ageing Studies
3 Admission into other Bachelor degrees
Must Satisfy: ((1 and 2) or (3))
Assignment(s); Tutorial participation.
Topic description
In contrast to the longstanding stereotype of later life as a time of retirement from paid work to fade into a non-productive stage of life, elders in all societies continue to make an ongoing contribution. In the 21st century it is increasingly important to recognise age as an asset and to understand that through productive ageing, elders can maintain social roles and generate societal benefits. Students will explore three levels of productive ageing: individual (eg lifelong learning), interpersonal (social / family participation) and societal (paid / volunteer work, civic engagement). In this topic students will also develop skills to work in partnership with older people and learn how to apply knowledge and skills to promote older adults’ capabilities, potential, social and economic contributions.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to challenge the myths about successful ageing and productivity in later life and identify ways in which opportunities for older people to engage in productive activity across individual, interpersonal and societal levels. In doing so, students will develop skills in supporting older people to continue in lifelong roles as well as take on new roles and activities that generate positive outcomes for themselves, their families and social networks, for the communities in which they live and broader society.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be expected to be able to;

  • Define, discuss and distinguish between productive, successful and active ageing models

  • Identify productive activity in later life across individual, interpersonal and societal levels and social, civic and community group engagement

  • Apply critical thinking to key perspectives and research evidence in relation to productive ageing;

  • Assess barriers to the engagement of older people in social, civic and community group activity

  • Demonstrate skills necessary to take a culturally responsive approach to work in partnership with older people to create opportunities and enhance their engagement preferences and support participation.