Most discussions of dementia focus on the 'condition' and a set of symptoms dominated by distressed or responsive behaviour. This topic invites students to explore the human experience of those who live with dementia and those who support them and provide care to them. Beginning with an overview of the conditions known broadly as 'dementia', the topic will focus on the experience of dementia from the perspective of the person with dementia, from the family perspective and from the perspective of professional care providers. Examining the concerns, needs and experiences from each perspective will provide a unique approach for students to gain understanding that will underpin the development of skills essential for engaging with and supporting people with dementia as well as those who live and work with them.
This topic aims to provide students with a foundation to build capacity in understanding the experience of dementia from the perspectives of the people with dementia and others involved in their lives. Students will develop skills in critical thinking and analysis of current issues and in collaborative and culturally responsive approaches to understanding the experience of dementia that will inform practice.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.