1 x 2-hour workshop once-only
1 x 10-hour independent study weekly
1 x 3-hour on-line exercises weekly
1 x 1-hour on-line lecture weekly
6 x 1-hour on-line tutorials per semester
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BHA-Bachelor of Healthy Ageing
2 ^ AGES1001 - Foundation Skills in Ageing Studies
3 Admission into other Bachelor degrees
Must Satisfy: ((1 and 2) or (3))
Assignment(s); Tutorial participation.
Topic description
Age-based social categorisations are generally automatic, or made too quickly to be thoughtful and deliberate. However, the consequences for the experience of ageing can be long lasting. Language plays a significant role in helping to move our views about older people and ageing from one of ‘problems’ to ‘possibilities and opportunities’. This topic challenges students to explore their own values and beliefs about ageing and older people, and to examine those beliefs and values in the context of the wider societal and care settings. The concept of ageism is the focus of discussion across many areas of everyday life and professional practice. Students will explore the language we use to talk about ageing and communicate with older people and how it influences their experiences of everyday life and support and/or care received.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to prepare students to understand, be aware of and challenge ageism and enhance skills in engaging with older people in ways that supports personhood and generates the well-being of older people with whom they engage.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be expected to be able to;

  • Define and discuss ageism including common myths, stereotypes and discriminatory behaviours towards older people

  • Outline different perspectives on ageism

  • Explain the implications of language that impacts on personhood in different public and professional contexts and the potential impact on the everyday lives of older people

  • Critically analyse relevant research evidence in relation to ageism

  • Demonstrate the ability to create person-centred, culturally responsive contexts for talking with and listening to older people that make them feel comfortable and respected

  • Communicate with others in ways that supports personhood and sustains collaborative relationships.